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March 3, 2010 The Sex-Slave RescuerThe Daily Beast: Feature article on Sunitha Krishnan, one of the three main subjects of SOLD and speaker at The Daily Beast’s Women in the World Summit.

Jan 30, 2010 Federal Investigation Agency Intensifies Campaign Against Human Trafficking, Pakistan :

Jan 31, 2010 The Dirty Secret of Human Trafficking, Herald Tribune

Jan 18, 2010 Island of Lost ChildrenThe Atlantic. Increased threat of child slavery in Haiti post-earthquake.
U.S. State Department’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons which provides information on how to end trafficking.  It includes the 2006 Trafficking in Persons Report, which provides in depth information on efforts of over 150 countries on combating trafficking and increasing awareness.
This site serves as an extensive search engine and is developed by the National Multicultural Institute. It provides an information base on human trafficking, child labor, forced labor, and sex slavery.
This site is a resource on human trafficking in East Asia and the Pacific organized by the Academy for Educational Development and provides country-specific information.  It also provides valuable information on related resources including publications, other web links, capacity building tools and resources on how various NGOs, governments and academic institutions are combating human trafficking.

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